Top 9 Complaints Against Fence Installers

By Published On: May 30, 2023

So you're thinking about installing a fence, huh? Well, that's great! A nice fence can add a whole lot of character to your property. Not to mention the privacy and security benefits. But before you dive in, there are a few things you should know...

What to Know Before You Install Your Fence

So you’re thinking about installing a fence, huh? Well, that’s great! A nice fence can add a whole lot of character to your property. Not to mention the privacy and security benefits. But before you dive in, there are a few things you should know. You see, not all fence installers are created equal. There can be a world of difference between a professional job and, well… not so professional one.

Over time, homeowners have voiced numerous complaints about some of the less-than-stellar experiences they’ve had with their fence installers. In fact, there are a few common issues that keep popping up time and time again. From shoddy materials to miscommunication, these are the situations that can turn a promising project into a headache you didn’t see coming.

In this article, we’re going to unpack the top 9 complaints against fence installers. By the end of it, you’ll be well-armed with the knowledge you need to make sure your fence installation goes as smoothly as possible. Ready to get started? Great, let’s dive in!

Poor Quality of Materials

Alright, let’s start at the beginning. Have you ever heard the saying, “You get what you pay for?” Well, when it comes to fence installations, it rings true more often than not. One of the most common complaints we hear about is the use of poor quality materials.

Imagine this: You’ve just paid to have a beautiful new fence installed. You’re imagining years, maybe even decades, of it standing strong and looking great. But as the months roll on, you start to notice it’s not holding up like you thought it would. The wood begins to crack, the paint starts peeling, or the metal starts rusting. It’s a real bummer, isn’t it?

Sadly, this situation is all too common when installers opt for cheaper, lower quality materials to cut costs and bump up their profit. This does no favors to the homeowner, who ends up with a fence that’s more trouble than it’s worth.

So, how do you avoid this pitfall? It’s all about doing your homework. Research different types of fencing materials and their quality indicators. When you’re discussing your project with potential installers, ask them about the materials they plan to use. If they can’t provide satisfactory answers or they’re pushing for the cheapest options, consider it a red flag. Remember, a good-quality fence is an investment that should stand the test of time!

Inaccurate Estimates

Now, let’s move on to the next big complaint – inaccurate estimates. Picture this: You’ve budgeted a certain amount for your fence installation. You’ve got your timeline all planned out. But then, halfway through the project, the installer tells you it’s going to cost more than they initially estimated. Or perhaps it’s going to take a couple of weeks longer than planned. Frustrating, isn’t it?

An inaccurate estimate, whether it’s about cost or time, can throw your entire project into disarray. You might have to scramble to find additional funds or adjust your schedule to accommodate the delays. Not a fun scenario by any stretch of the imagination.

But how can you steer clear of this issue? Well, the key is to insist on detailed, written estimates. Have the installer break down the costs for labor, materials, and any other expenses. Ask them to provide a timeline for each stage of the project. Also, it’s always a good idea to have a contingency budget and some extra time factored into your plan for unforeseen hiccups.

Remember, it’s okay to ask questions! A reputable installer won’t shy away from providing the information you need. In fact, they should welcome your engagement as it shows you’re serious about the quality and success of your project.

Poor Craftsmanship

So, let’s say you’ve nailed the first two points – you’ve got good quality materials and an accurate estimate. Awesome! But here’s where another roadblock could pop up – poor craftsmanship. Yep, you read it right. Even the finest materials won’t mean a thing if the fence is poorly built.

Imagine seeing your fence with uneven lines, posts that aren’t properly secured, or shoddy joining points. It’s not a pretty sight, right? And it doesn’t just ruin the look of your fence, but it can also make it less durable. In some unfortunate cases, you might find your brand new fence falling apart way sooner than you’d ever expect. Talk about a bad deal!

So, how can you avoid falling into the trap of poor craftsmanship? Once again, it’s about research and asking the right questions. Ask potential installers about their experience and qualifications. Look for reviews or ask to see examples of their previous work. Make sure they don’t just talk the talk, but also walk the walk.

Remember, the fence is a significant part of your property, and it’s worth the extra effort to ensure it’s built correctly. So, don’t be shy about vetting your installer and ensuring they’re up to the task. Your future self will thank you!

Failure to Meet Local Code Requirements

Okay, we’re moving on to a biggie here – failing to meet local code requirements. Did you know every area has specific rules and regulations about building fences? These can relate to things like height, design, and materials. And believe it or not, not adhering to these rules can land you in some hot water.

Think about this scenario. You’ve got your shiny new fence up and you’re loving it. But then you get a notice from the city saying it’s not up to code. You’re facing penalties, and even worse, you might have to modify or remove the fence entirely. Talk about a nightmare!

So how do you make sure your dream fence doesn’t turn into a legal headache? Before you start your project, take some time to understand the local codes and regulations. This is something your installer should be able to help with, but don’t just take their word for it. Check in with your local government or homeowners association to get the correct information.

Trust us, a little bit of homework upfront can save you a ton of trouble down the line. And when your fence is up and you’re not getting any flak from the authorities, you’ll be glad you did it!

Lack of Communication

Moving along, let’s talk about another frequent complaint – lack of communication. We’ve all been there, right? You’re left in the dark, unsure about what’s going on, and it’s just plain frustrating. Well, when it comes to fence installation, the stakes are even higher.

Picture this: You’ve agreed on a plan with your installer. You’re expecting them to start on a certain date, or maybe you’ve been promised an update on progress by the end of the week. But the day comes and goes, and you hear nothing. Or perhaps there’s an issue or a change in plan, but instead of informing you, your installer just goes ahead with it. It can feel like you’re being kept out of the loop on your own project!

So, how can you ensure good communication with your fence installer? From the get-go, establish clear communication channels and expectations. Make sure you know who to talk to if you have questions or concerns, and how and when they will provide updates.

And remember, you have every right to be kept informed about the progress of your project. If an installer seems reluctant to communicate openly and promptly, it might be a sign you need to consider other options. After all, you’re not just investing money in your fence, but trust too. And good communication is a big part of that trust.

Damage to Property

Next up, we’re going to talk about an issue that can cause a lot of headaches – damage to property. Now, I know what you’re thinking: “They’re just installing a fence, how much damage could they really do?” Well, you’d be surprised.

Let’s paint a picture: The installation crew is on your property, they’re working away, and then you hear a loud crash. You go outside to find your flower bed trampled or a sprinkler line hit. Maybe they’ve even hit a utility line! Not only is this stressful, but it can also cost you time and money to repair.

How do you avoid this? Before work begins, talk to your installer about what precautions they take to avoid property damage. Make sure they know about any underground utilities or delicate areas in your yard. It’s also worth taking pictures of your property before work starts, just in case.

An experienced, professional installer will take care to avoid causing damage and will take responsibility if anything does happen. Remember, they’re working on your property. You have a right to expect them to treat it with respect.

Failure to Address Post-Installation Issues

Now, we’re entering a territory that many homeowners find particularly vexing – dealing with post-installation issues. Let’s paint a picture. Your fence is up, it looks great, and you’re all happy about it. But then, a few weeks or months down the line, you start noticing problems. Maybe the gate won’t close properly, a section is sagging, or a post is wobbly. Naturally, you reach out to the installer to get these issues fixed. But you’re met with silence, endless excuses, or unfulfilled promises. Sounds frustrating, doesn’t it?

Failure to address post-installation issues is a complaint we hear all too often. After all, you’ve paid for a service, and that service should include addressing and rectifying any issues that arise post-installation.

So, how can you protect yourself from this problem? Before you sign a contract, discuss the warranty and aftercare services. Make sure it includes a commitment to address any post-installation issues. Also, check the installer’s reviews and reputation for customer service. After all, a fence is an investment, and you should be able to count on your installer to stand by their work even after the job is done.

Remember, as a customer, you have the right to expect good service – and that includes timely and efficient resolution of any post-installation issues. If an installer can’t or won’t commit to this, it might be time to consider other options. Your peace of mind is worth it!

Improper Cleanup After Installation

Now let’s talk about something that often gets overlooked – the cleanup after the installation. Picture this: Your fence is finally up, and you’re ready to enjoy your new private space. But wait, there are pieces of scrap material scattered around, maybe some empty paint cans or cement bags, and your yard looks like a construction site. Quite the mood killer, isn’t it?

Improper cleanup is a complaint that comes up more often than you’d think. It might seem like a small thing, but it can really put a damper on the excitement of having your new fence installed. After all, you’ve paid for a service, and that service should include leaving your property neat and tidy.

So, how can you ensure this doesn’t happen to you? When you’re discussing the project with your installer, ask about their cleanup policy. It should include removal of all waste and debris, and leaving your property in the same (or better!) condition as they found it.

Remember, your home deserves respect, and that includes leaving it clean and tidy. Don’t be afraid to bring this up with your installer – a good professional will understand and agree with your expectations.

Contract Discrepancies

Last but definitely not least, let’s talk about something really important – contract discrepancies. This is a fancy way of saying the details in the contract don’t match up with what was agreed upon or what was delivered. As you can imagine, this can lead to some pretty big headaches.

Imagine you’ve signed a contract that says your fence will be made of a certain material, or completed by a certain date. But then, as the project progresses, you realize that’s not the case. The materials are different, the timeline is off, or maybe there are costs cropping up that weren’t included in the initial agreement. This can leave you feeling deceived and frustrated.

So, how can you make sure your contract is clear and accurate? The key is to read it carefully before you sign it. Make sure everything you’ve discussed and agreed upon is clearly stated in the contract, including materials, timeline, costs, and any other relevant details. If you see any discrepancies or anything you don’t understand, bring it up before signing.

Remember, the contract is there to protect both you and the installer. It’s not just a piece of paper, but a record of what’s been agreed upon. So take the time to review it carefully – it’s an important part of ensuring a smooth and satisfactory fence installation.

A Few Tips To Help You With Your Fence Installation

  • Seek Multiple Quotes: Don’t just settle for the first estimate you get. Seek quotes from multiple installers to ensure you’re getting a fair price.
  • Ask for References: Any reputable installer should be able to provide references. Don’t hesitate to contact these past customers to gauge their satisfaction with the installer’s work.
  • Check Reviews: Look for generally favorable reviews.
  • Check with the Better Business Bureau: Check to see if there has been any complaints against your installer.
  • Document Everything: Keep a record of all communications, agreements, and changes made during the project. This can be useful in case of any disputes or misunderstandings.
  • Understand Your Warranty: Make sure you know what is and isn’t covered under your fence warranty. This can save you from unwanted surprises down the line.
  • Be Patient: Good things take time, and that includes fence installation. Be patient and avoid rushing the process to ensure a high-quality result.
  • Know Your Boundaries: Before installation begins, ensure you know exactly where your property lines are. This can prevent potential disputes with neighbors.
  • Inspect the Materials: Upon delivery, inspect the materials to ensure they are of high quality and meet your expectations.
  • Review the Contract Carefully: Ensure you understand every aspect of the contract before signing. Don’t hesitate to ask for clarifications if something isn’t clear.

Remember, a successful fence installation is all about planning, communication, and choosing the right installer. Take your time, do your research, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Your perfect fence is well within reach!


Well, there you have it – our comprehensive list of the top 9 complaints against fence installers. We’ve tackled everything from poor-quality materials and inaccurate estimates, to communication breakdowns and post-installation issues. But don’t forget, these potential pitfalls are not meant to deter you from getting that beautiful fence you’ve been envisioning. Quite the opposite!

Our aim is to arm you with the knowledge you need to avoid these common challenges. Installing a fence is a significant investment in your property, and we want to ensure it’s an experience that brings you satisfaction, not stress.

Remember, the key to a smooth and successful fence installation lies in doing your homework, asking the right questions, and choosing a reputable and experienced installer. This is where Sky Fence Company comes in.

At Sky Fence Company, we are committed to providing quality materials, accurate estimates, excellent craftsmanship, and impeccable customer service. We respect your property, adhere to local code requirements, and ensure thorough cleanup after installation. Plus, we stand by our work and are always ready to address any post-installation issues.

So why wait? Give us a call today to discuss your fencing needs and let us help make your dream fence a reality. Here’s to creating fences that not only enhance your property but also stand the test of time. Choose Sky Fence Company – because your home deserve the best!

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